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Going Green With The Best Cleaning Services in Chicago


More and more cleaning services these days are offering the use of green cleaning agents to their clients. In our effort to kill germs in our homes and get rid of dirt, dinge, and dust bunnies, using the traditional chemically based cleaners that we have grown up with may actually be making things worse. While we do kill germs and annihilate dirt, we introduce toxins and toxic fumes into the very house we are trying to clean. Many people feel that when deciding if the dirt or the toxins are worse, at least the dirt is natural!


Going green with the best cleaning service chicago is relatively simple. Before you hire a cleaning service, make sure that the company does indeed offer the use of green cleaners in your home. Sometimes, these environmentally friendly cleaners are more expensive than the toxic, harmful, do not breathe or you will pass out cleaners. However, people are increasingly deciding that the natural cleaners are more than worth the little bit of extra cost. These green products are biodegradable, non toxic, and are made of renewable resources, not petroleum (yes, oil, a famously touchy subject in this country today).


Another important reason that people by the droves are deciding to hire cleaning services that are green is that the very germs that we are trying to kill with toxins and chemicals are more and more becoming immune to these cleaners. Are we really breeding mega germs instead of destroying them? Viruses and bacteria have a way of adapting to survive warfare, which is why doctors are having a harder time finding antibiotics that work when people are sick. The germs adapt, and eventually are no longer killed by the things that used to kill them. Many people believe this same thing is happening in our homes. An increasing number of new viruses are appearing and we are having trouble finding the right things to kill them. One day, will the influenza virus become immune to Lysol? Will bleach be unable to kill the strep virus? To read more on the importance of getting the best commercial cleaning services check out


The next time you browse the phone book or Internet for commercial cleaning services chicago, make sure to ask if they use green products. Instead of walking into your home smelling like a toxic plant, it would be refreshing to walk in smelling natural cleanliness. The Earth and your home will be healthier for it.

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